Hello everyone, Welcome to our blog you are reading this meaning you want to know how to get free hosting for your website to make it live on your domain. So for that, we have something to show you how you can do that. There is a website called Netlify.com which gives free hosting for static websites. On the Netlify.com you can deploy your website with a postfix like netlify.com or with your own domain name example: like your company name is the web universe so it gives you some options to choose a domain with postfix thewebuniverse.netlify.com or you can add a purchased domain in that or you purchase instant on the Netlify.com like thewebuniverse.in I will explain step by step for the same: Step 1: Signup on the website netlify.com In the image here you can see that you can signup with Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, and with your email. For now, I am showing you from Email but I will write a separate blog for others like how we can directly deploy our Github, GitLab, ...