Hello everyone in this blog we will see some HTML Attributes which is very useful but many of you don't know or never use them.
So for your better understanding, we will see some attributes with examples.
for that here is the list
1. contenteditable: This is the first attribute that is useful and you never use it .this attribute belongs to "Global Attributes". It specifies whether the content of an element is editable or not. When the contenteditable attribute is not set on an element, the element will inherit it from its parent
<p contenteditable="false">This is an noneditable paragraph.</p>2. download: The download attribute specifies that the target will be downloaded when a user clicks on the hyperlink.
This attribute is only used if the href attribute is set.
The value of the attribute will be the name of the downloaded file. There are no restrictions on allowed values, and the browser will automatically detect the correct file extension and add it to the file (.img, .pdf, .txt, .html, etc.).
If the value is omitted, the original filename is used.
The download attribute can be used on the following elements:
<a> and <area>
<a> tag example
<area> tag example
<area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" alt="Mercury" href="merglobe.gif" download="mercury">
Yes I don't know one of them